Collection: Neckpieces

  • Zulu Round Neckpiece

    Elevate your style with our Zulu round neckpiece! Handcrafted with vibrant beads, this statement accessory adds a pop of color to any look. Perfect for cultural...

    Regular price R 450.00
    Sale price R 450.00 Regular price
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  • Ndebele Dzila Neckpiece

     Introducing the Ndebele Dzila Neckpiece, a stunning ornament that represents the status of Ndebele women in society. Made with gold or silver, this adjustable piece ensures...

    Regular price R 599.99
    Sale price R 599.99 Regular price R 799.99
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  • Ndebele Iraso neckpiece

    Expertly crafted with intricate beading, the Ndebele Iraso neckpiece is the perfect statement piece. Inspired by the vibrant culture of the Ndebele people, this necklace is...

    Regular price From R 599.99
    Sale price From R 599.99 Regular price
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  • Sepedi Beads Neckpiece

    This exquisite neckpiece features colorful Sepedi beads, inspired by the traditional designs of the Sepedi culture. Handcrafted to perfection, it is a beautiful representation of the...

    Regular price R 499.99
    Sale price R 499.99 Regular price
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  • Akantse neckpiece

    Crafted with wooden beads and repurposed t-shirt materials, the Akantse neckpiece seamlessly combines sustainability and style. Add a touch of eco-friendly elegance to your wardrobe with...

    Regular price R 999.00
    Sale price R 999.00 Regular price
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  • Iraso Large Neckpiece

    Expertly crafted with high-quality materials, the IRASO Large Neckpiece is a stunning addition to any outfit. Its elegant design features intricate details that exude sophistication and...

    Regular price R 899.99
    Sale price R 899.99 Regular price
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  • MNI Wea Single Strand Neckpiece

    This MNI Wea Single Strand Neckpiece is expertly crafted using durable telephone wire for a unique and contemporary look. With its sturdy construction and modern design,...

    Regular price R 399.99
    Sale price R 399.99 Regular price
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  • Mla luxury beaded neckpiece

    Upgrade your accessorizing game with our Mla luxury beaded neckpiece. Made with fine beads, this neckpiece exudes luxury and elegance. Perfect for any occasion, it's sure...

    Regular price R 1,200.00
    Sale price R 1,200.00 Regular price
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  • Xhigholwane single colour big

    This Ndebele-inspired beaded Xhigholwane is a single colour, big piece of traditional art. Handcrafted with exquisite attention to detail, it boasts intricate patterns and vibrant hues....

    Regular price R 1,500.00
    Sale price R 1,500.00 Regular price
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  • Venda satelite dish

    This Venda satellite dish neckpiece is inspired by traditional Venda designs. Made with a high-quality material, it is a unique and stylish accessory. Perfect for those...

    Regular price R 299.99
    Sale price R 299.99 Regular price R 499.99
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  • Beaded Tie Neckpiece

    This Xhosa-inspired beaded neckpiece is a handcrafted statement piece that adds a touch of cultural elegance to any outfit. Available in a variety of colors, this...

    Regular price R 799.99
    Sale price R 799.99 Regular price
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  • Xhigholwane single colour small

    This professionally crafted Xhigholwane single colour small neckpiece is inspired by the traditional Ndebele beading technique. The intricate design and use of high-quality beads showcase the...

    Regular price R 1,200.00
    Sale price R 1,200.00 Regular price
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